Saturday, January 10, 2015


Know that there is something deeper, older, 
Wiser and Mysterious that can be investigated;
And let it be your Guide.  Trust your Heart to
lead, and Open your mind rather than being in
love with it.  Call this Trusted Source "The Divine"
and your Soul will be freed.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Common among us are our basic human needs.  Common thinking is not thinking at all.  Common sense is uncommon, yet labelled as such and  expected to be the norm by those adept at reason.  If our common goals are uniting and purposeful with a majority working towards a common good, all will be elevated.  Common always has therefore the opportunity to become Extraordinary.

Friday, October 11, 2013



In a Universe filled with more questions than
answers, a sense of Wonder is a precious birth
rite one can reclaim instantaneously.

Monday, July 8, 2013


You are a part of the Great Light: Know that in shining your True light, you are honoring Your Source,  never diminished by it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


~Nature is a daily Miracle.
What is more wonderful than the 
face of a flower?...Its purpose and
the memory of its Beauty.
Tiny Tips, Leona Valley, CA

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


St. Thomas Aquinas College, Ojai
As a bubble rises to the surface, encased with its essence; so True leadership can present itself through patience... gaining Knowledge and Insight while traveling through the medium of life and bursting forth when needed.


An idea is a seed that needs fertile
ground in order to grow.
Fire Poppy  ~Antelope Valley, CA