Monday, February 28, 2011


Chateau Lake Louise, Banff Canada

Obstacles and problems require attention with action to yield results. Look away and the problem grows. Stagnation is the product of blame and excuses. Power is in Consciously Being and doing.


The more rare yellow poppy, Poppy Reserve Antelope Valley

Harvest the talents you are born with and enjoy the ride of the self into Knowing of the Self.  This is the journey of realization and success. Your uniqueness is your value, your mind is your captain, your heart is your force of attraction. Your evolving soul is the result of your dedication.


Wistler's Jasper Canada 
A delicious meal is a blend of savory ingredients.
Your gifts contribute to the table of humanity.
Blend enough so that you shine and maintain your essence without over shadowing.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Imagine you have wings when life feels heavy or an incident pulls the rug out from under you.  If they do not let you fly right now, they can lift you or keep you warm. Nothing can clip your wings without your permission.  Cherish this imagining.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The dynamic of being content with present circumstances and having the ability for self determination to evolve from those circumstances if one chooses.